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阙 荣 辉







1.石墨烯表面改性及在能量转化方面的性能研究,国家自然科学青年基金,编号:2130100620141月——201612月, 主持

2.碳纳米管表面控制改性及在能量转化方面的性能研究,教育部博士点基金新教师类,编号:2013342412000320141月——201612月, 主持



20067月——20136 江南体育官网 讲师

20137月——至今 江南体育官网 副教授

201411月——至今 江南体育官网 硕士生导师所受教育

19999月——20036 黄冈师范学院化学系 本科 学士

20039月——20066 华中师范大学化学学院 研究生 硕士

20097月——20126 苏州大学功能纳米与软物质研究院 研究生 博士


1. Ronghui Que,* Sha Sha, Liqun Shen, and Yanlin Xiong*, Changes of CO2 Concentration and Heat Illustrate Why the Flame Is Extinguished in the Candle-and-Cylinder Experiment, J. Chem. Educ. 2020, 97, 1195−1197.

2. Ronghui Que,* Maolin Li, Hong Yao, Xiuhua Wang, Fan Liao, and Mingwang Shao, Unusual Effect of Trace Water on the Structure and Activity of NixCo1-x Electrocatalysts for the Methanol Oxidation Reaction, ChemSusChem 2020, 13,964 –973.

3. Ronghui Que,* Gang Ji, Daoshuang Liu, Maolin Li, Xiuhua Wang,* and San-ping Jiang*, Nickel foam supported CoCO3@CoSe nanowires with heterostructure interface for overall water splitting with low overpotential and high efficiency, Energy Technol, 2019, 7, 1800741.

4. Ronghui Que,* Gang Ji, Daoshuang Liu, Maolin Li, Sheng Liu, Nickel foam supported Co3O4@Ni3Se4 core-shell nanorod arrays with long-term and efficient catalytic performance for water splitting, ChemNanoMat, 2019, 5, 1-7.

5. Ronghui Que*, Yucheng Huang, Qinliang Li, Hong Yao, Baoyou Geng, Mingwang Shao, Generating Electric Current Based on the Solvent-Dependent Changing Effects of Defective Boron Nitride Nanosheets, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6, 19752−19757.

6. Ronghui Que, Qi Shao,Qinling Li, Mingwang Shao*, Shiduan Cai, Suidong Wang*, Shuit-Tang Lee*, Flexible nanogenerators based on graphene oxide films for acoustic energy harvesting, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 5418 –5422.

7. Ronghui Que, Ming-Wang Shao*, Sui-Dong Wang, DDD Ma, Shuit-Tong Lee*, Silicon nanowires with permanent electrostatic charges for nanogenerators, Nano Letters, 2011, 11, 4870-4873.

8. Ronghui Que, Ming-Wang Shao*, Shuo-Juan Zhuo, Chun-Ye Wen, Sui-Dong Wang*, Shuit-Tong Lee*, Highly-reproducible surface-enhanced Raman scattering on capillarity-assisted gold nanoparticle assembly, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2011, 21(17): 3337-3343.

9. Ronghui Que, Ming-Wang Shao*, Tao Chen, Hong-Yan Xu, Sui-Dong Wang*, Shuit-Tong Lee, Diamond nanoparticles with more surface functinal groups obtained using carbon nanotubes as sources, J. Appl. Phys., 2011, 110, 054321.

10. 阙荣辉 吴进 吴凤兮 熊言林, 氯气的制取与性质实验绿色化设计,化学教育,2017, 3, 68-69.

11. 阙荣辉 李嵚 吴凤兮 熊言林,制取甲烷的最佳反应温度探究,化学教学,2015, 11, 59-62.

12. 阙荣辉 张镇,烟花中绽放北京奥运理念——绿色化学诠释新北京新奥运,化学教育,2009, 3, 1-4.

13. 阙荣辉 熊言林 马莉 罗娜红,“黑面包” 实验新设计,化学教育,2008, 7, 64-65.

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